Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road


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Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road

Wrench Turners Wellness Survey collects anonymized data from your technicians.


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Provide report on technicians to leadership with determination of primary focus as set by technicians in survey.

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Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road
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Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road



On-site visit. Confirm, review, consult, train, and 1:1s with key personnel.

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Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road
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Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road



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Review all insight found to date. Curate long-term coaching plans for priority team mates. Provide solution ideation for top 3 priorities not directly relating to coaching.

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Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Road



Execute virtual coaching and accountability check-ins with pre-determined staff.

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Wrench Turners aims to provide bespoke educational content, virtual coaching, and in-person training to help Technicians be happier, healthier, and more productive on the shop floor.

Our services teach FixedOPS professionals about depression, anxiety, and stress in the shop. Technicians, Service Advisors, and Shop Leaders can learn goal setting and time management, “coaching basics”, shop leadership, role play from shop life, and more.

Data Collection

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Wrench Turners Wellness Survey collects anonymized data from technicians. Data that helps service leaders make better decisions for their team, faster. We use the data to consult, train, and coach. Shop Life Concerns, Life Satisfaction, and Mental Health, Income, Productivity, and Training comparison to Market

Paid Speaking for Groups

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Speaking to groups of all sizes can be customized and topics include:

  • Mental Health in Automotive, and the Basic’s of Technician Coaching
  • Leadership Improvement and Understanding
  • Communication between peers and departments

Small Group Training

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Wrench Turners can provide in-person training for small groups of Technicians, Senior Technicians, and Service Leaders. Topics: Teaching how to Coach, Develop Leadership Skills, Curate a positive working environment mindset, Assist with low-level Mental Health Challenges

Bespoke Coaching

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Virtual initial consult with each technician and perform the assessment. Goal set based on assessments and provide a “coaching plan” with action steps for Technician improvement. Requires a minimum of 4 sessions.

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